Saturday, November 29, 2008

Killing people for satisfaction

Isn't it amazing when we call ourselves human beings. Killings in Karachi have compelled me to think about our values as Muslims. We kill people because of differences like language, casts, cultures, status, beliefs and family background. Being a Muslim we say that Muslims are brothers and there are no differences in our religion but when it comes to our practices, we just follow our politicians who are all exposed but even we are happy to live in this denial phase. Several people have been killed today to show the retaliation and nobody knows the basis of all these happenings. We all are living in stone ages where values are made for self satisfaction, where laws are made to escape and give a respectable way to all culprits, where illiterate Parliamentarians make and amend constitutions.

Do we have any responsibility towards our society. Do we have this judgmental approach to transfer to our next generations.

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